I stumbled on this website while searching for Australian Coffee and thought I would give the beans a try. They arrived in a couple of days and wow! - the coffee tastes great! After tasting all those little pod coffee machine coffees at friends places I though I'd get a proper machine and grind my own. I tried a few bags of beans from the supermarket, but nothing tasted as smooth as this. Not only that, the caffiene actually had a good buzz to it! I can't recommend this coffee highly enough. If you want something better than your current coffee, this is the answer.
Simon |2/6/2015 10:19 AM
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Try it.
Very nice coffee. Will be getting more.
Sandra |2/6/2015 10:23 AM
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Beautiful smooth coffee. I've been drinking this for a few years now and can't wake up without it! Highly recommend it.